Mike Nichols superbly directed this cinematic adaptation of Joseph Heller's scathing black comedy, a tale of a small group of flyers in the Mediterranean in 1944. There are winners and losers, opportunists and survivors. Separately and together they are nervous, frightened, often profane and sometimes pathetic. Almost all are a little crazy. CATCH-22 is an anti-war satire of epic proportions.

Cast & Crew
Mike Nichols Director
Alan Arkin Capt. Yossarian
Martin Balsam Col. Cathcart
Richard Benjamin Maj. Danby
Art Garfunkel Nately
Jack Gilford Doc Daneeka
Buck Henry Col. Korn
Bob Newhart Major Major
Anthony Perkins Chaplain Tappman
Paula Prentiss Nurse Duckett
Martin Sheen Dobbs
Jon Voight Milo Minderbinder
Orson Welles Gen. Dreedle
Bob Balaban Capt. Orr
Susanne Benton Dreedle's WAC
Olimpia Carlisi Luciana
Marcel Dalio Old Man
Norman Fell Sgt. Towser
Charles Grodin Aardvark
Austin Pendleton Col. Moodus
Peter Bonerz Capt. McWatt
Elizabeth Wilson Mother
Evi Maltagliati Old Woman
Richard Libertini Brother
Jon Korkes Snowden
Liam Dunn Father
John Brent Cathcart's Receptionist
Collin Wilcox-Horne Nurse Cramer
Jack Riley Doctor
Felice Orlandi Man in Black
Alan Alda Extra
Bruce Kirby Doctor
John Calley Producer
Martin Ransohoff Producer
Joseph Heller Book Author
Gina Rovere Nately's whore
Universal Product Codes

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Title Catch-22
Release Date 1970-06-24
Country USA
Genres Comedy, Drama
Runtime 2h 1m
Sub Genres Satire, Black Comedy, Military Comedy, Ensemble Film
Language English