Fat Man and Little Boy
In the remote desert of New Mexico, The Manhattan Project is materializing the World War II effort to build the atomic bomb. Paul Newman stars as General Leslie Groves, the military man in charge of a massive project that will produce two weapons: Fat Man and Little Boy.

Cast & Crew
Roland Joffe Director
Paul Newman Gen. Leslie R. Groves
Dwight Schultz J. Robert Oppenheimer
Bonnie Bedelia Kitty Oppenheimer
John Cusack Michael Merriman
Laura Dern Kathleen Robinson
Natasha Richardson Jean Tatlock
John C. McGinley Richard Schoenfield
Ron Vawter Jamie Latrobe
Nancy Foy Actor
Michael Brockman William "Deke" Parsons
Del Close Dr. Kenneth Whiteside
John Considine Robert Tuckson
Allan Corduner Franz Goethe
James Eckhouse Norbert Harper
Todd Field Robert Wilson
Mary Pat Gleason Dora Welsh
Clark Gregg Douglas Panton
Gerald Hiken Leo Szilard
Ed Lauter Whitney Ashbridge
Madison Mason Boris Pash
Logan Ramsey Gen. Brehon Somervell
Fred Dalton Thompson Melrose Hayden Barry
Jim True-Frost Donald Hornig
Ronald C. Frazier Peer de Silva
Don Pugsley Bronson
David Brainard Samuel Allison
Arthur Holden Oakridge Doctor
Bill Rubenstein Times Reporter
Barry Yourgrau Edward Teller
John Williams Mack Stoddard
John Calley Producer
Tony Garnett Producer
Ken Strausbaugh Producer
Bruce Robinson Screenwriter
Ron Frazier Peter de Silva
Universal Product Codes

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Title Fat Man and Little Boy
Release Date 1989-10-20
Country USA
Genres Drama, Historical
Runtime 2h 6m
Sub Genres Period Film, Docudrama
Language English