Nobody's Fool (1995)
Sully is a likable working stiff who's made a lifetime of bad decisions. But he unexpectedly has a chance to make right on some of them when his estranged son - and grandson - drop into his life.

Cast & Crew
Robert Benton Director
Paul Newman Sully
Jessica Tandy Miss Beryl
Bruce Willis Carl Roebuck
Melanie Griffith Toby Roebuck
Dylan Walsh Peter
Pruitt Taylor-Vince Rub Squeers
Gene Saks Wirf
Josef Sommer Clive Peoples Jr.
Philip Seymour Hoffman Officer Raymer
Philip Bosco Judge Flatt
Margo Martindale Birdy
Jay Patterson Jocko
Alice Drummond Hattie
Angela Pietropinto Cass
Marcus Powell Whit
Carl J. Matusovich Wacker
Jerry Mayer Ollie Quinn
Elizabeth Wilson Vera (uncredited)
Arlene Donovan Producer
Scott Rudin Producer
Richard Russo Screenwriter
Michael Hausman Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

Similar Items
Title Nobody's Fool (1995)
Release Date 1994-01-13
Country USA
Genres Comedy, Drama
Runtime 1h 50m
Sub Genres Family Drama, Ensemble Film
Language English