Gods and Generals
A sweeping epic charting the early years of the Civil War and how campaigns unfolded from Manassas to the Battle of Fredericksburg, this prequel to the film Gettysburg explores the motivations of the combatants and examines the lives of those who waited at home.

Cast & Crew
Ronald F. Maxwell Director
Robert Duvall Gen. Robert E. Lee
Stephen Lang Gen. Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson
Jeff Daniels Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Mira Sorvino Fanny Chamberlain
Bruce Boxleitner Lt. General James Longstreet
Kevin Conway Sgt. Buster Kilrain
C. Thomas Howell Tom Chamberlain
Frankie R. Faison Jim Lewis
Matt Letscher Col. Adelbert Ames
Jeremy London Alexander "Sandie" Pendleton
William Sanderson Gen. A. P. Hill
Kali Rocha Anna Morrison Jackson
Mia Dillon Jane Beale
Donzaleigh Abernathy Martha
Billy Campbell Gen. George Pickett
Ryan Cutrona Gen. Marsena Patrick
Robert Easton John Janney
Joseph Fuqua Col. J.E.B. Stuart
Lydia Jordan Jane Corbin
Alex Hyde-White Ambrose Burnside
Keith Allison Capt. James J. White
Royce D. Applegate Brig. General James L. Kemper
David Carpenter Rev. Beverly Tucker Lacy
James Horan Col. Cummings
Malachy McCourt Francis P. Blair
John Prosky Gen. Lewis Armistead
Morgan Sheppard Gen. Isaac Trimble
Buck Taylor Gen. Maxcy Gregg
Patrick Gorman Brig. Gen. John Bell Hood
Carsten Norgaard Gen. Darius Nash Couch
W. Morgan Sheppard Brig. General Isaac R. Trimble
James Patrick Stuart Col. E. Porter Alexander
Keith Flippen Maj. Gilmore
Conn Horgan Dooley
Scott Allen Cooper Lt. Joseph Morrison
Karen Goberman Lucy Beale
Scott Davidson Sam Beale
David Foster Captain Ricketts
Tim O'Hare Lt. Col. Clair Mulholland
Terry McCrea Captain
Fred Griffith Gen. Robert Rodes
Mark Aldrich Adjutant
Shane Callahan Bowdoin Student
Chris Clawson Charles Beale
Justin Dray George Jenkins
Miles Fisher John Beale
Matt Lindquist Johann Heros Von Borcke
Christie Lynn Smith Catherine Corbin
Michael Sorvino Federal Soldier
Christopher Crutchfield Walker Looter
John Castle Old Penn
Tom Mason Old Man in Fredericksburg
Moctesuma Esparza Executive Producer
Robert Katz Executive Producer
Mace Neufeld Executive Producer
Robert G. Rehme Executive Producer
Jeff Shaara Book Author
Ron Maxwell Director
Robert Easton John Janney
Ted Turner Col. Tazewell Patton
Trent Walker Pvt. McClintock
Robert Rehme Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

Similar Items
Title Gods and Generals
Release Date 2003-02-21
Country USA
Genres Action, Drama, Adventure, Historical, Western
Runtime 3h 38m
Sub Genres War Epic, Historical Epic
Language English