Knights of the Round Table
Medieval tales of love and war as the gallant Sir Lancelot rides into battle beside King Arthur while harboring a secret love for his Queen. After successfully defending his beloved country, Arthur rewards his loyal soldier Lancelot by making him Queen Guinevere's champion, but Lancelot's happiness is shattered when Sir Mordred informs the King of his wife's clandestine relationship.

Cast & Crew
Richard Thorpe Director
Ava Gardner Guinevere
Robert Taylor Sir Lancelot of the Lake
Mel Ferrer King Arthur
Anne Crawford Morgan Le Fay
Stanley Baker Sir Modred
Gabriel Woolf Percival
Felix Aylmer Merlin
Maureen Swanson Elaine
Anthony Forwood Gareth
Robert Urquhart Sir Gawaine
Niall MacGinnis Green Knight
Stephen Vercoe Agravaine
Peter Gawthorne Bishop
Alan Tilvern Steward
John Sherman Lambert
Barry Mackay Green Knight's First Squire
Howard Marion-Crawford Simon
Dana Wynter Vivien
Pandro S. Berman Producer
Sir Thomas Malory Book Author
Talbot Jennings Screenwriter
Noel Langley Screenwriter
Jan Lustig Screenwriter
Richard Thorpe Director
Universal Product Codes

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Title Knights of the Round Table
Release Date 1954-01-15
Country UK
Genres Romance, Adventure, Historical
Runtime 1h 55m
Sub Genres Romantic Adventure, Costume Adventure
Language English