Silk Stockings
You'd think chilled borscht pulses in her veins. She's Nina Yoshenka, a lovely yet severe Soviet envoy sent to Paris to rescue wayward comrades from the perils of champagne and capitalism. But there may be a thaw in Nina's cold war. She meets Steve Canfield, a smoothly brash American who won't take nyet for an answer.
Starring | Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Janis Paige, Peter Lorre, George Tobias, Jules Munshin, Joseph Buloff, Wim Sonneveld, Belita , Tybee Afra, Barrie Chase, Ivan Triesault, Frank Arnold, Eugene Borden, |
Genres | Comedy , Music/Musical , Romance |
Studios | Warner Bros. |
Popular UPC |
1256956292 |

Cast & Crew
Rouben Mamoulian Director
Fred Astaire Steve Canfield
Cyd Charisse Ninotchka Yoschenko
Janis Paige Peggy Dainton
Peter Lorre Brankov
George Tobias Vassili Markovitch, Commisar of Art
Jules Munshin Bibinski
Joseph Buloff Ivanov
Wim Sonneveld Peter Ilyitch Boroff
Belita Vera
Tybee Afra Fifi
Barrie Chase Dancer Gabrielle
Ivan Triesault Russian Embassy Official
Frank Arnold Soviet Guard
Eugene Borden Reporter
Arthur Freed Producer
Charles M. Brackett Play Author
Leueen McGrath Play Author
Walter Reisch Play Author
Melchior Lengyel Book Author
Abe Burrows Play Author
Leonard Gershe Screenwriter
George S. Kaufman Play Author
Leonard Spigelgass Screenwriter
Universal Product Codes

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Title Silk Stockings
Release Date 1957-07-18
Country USA
Genres Comedy, Music/Musical, Romance
Runtime 1h 57m
Sub Genres Musical Romance, Showbiz Comedy
Language English