One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Randle Patrick McMurphy is a free-spirited, small-time convict who fakes being crazy so he can get transferred from the state penitentiary to what he thinks will be a more comfortable state mental hospital. But his contagious sense of delightful chaos clashes with the numbing routine of the hospital and the woman in charge of making sure nothing disrupts the sedate mood of the floor, Nurse Ratched.

Cast & Crew
Milos Forman Director
Jack Nicholson Randle Patrick McMurphy
Louise Fletcher Nurse Mildred Ratched
William Redfield Harding
Dean R. Brooks Dr. John Spivey
Scatman Crothers Turkle Crothers
Danny DeVito Martini
William Duell Sefelt
Brad Dourif Billy Bibbit
Christopher Lloyd Taber
Will Sampson Chief Bromden
Vincent Schiavelli Frederickson
Marya Small Candy
Louisa Moritz Rose
Nathan George Attandant Washington
Michael Berryman Ellis
Peter Brocco Col. Matterson
Josip Elic Bancini
Sydney Lassick Charlie Cheswick
Dwight Marfield Ellsworth
Ted Markland Hap Arlich
Michael Douglas Producer
Saul Zaentz Producer
Dale Wasserman Play Author
Ken Kesey Book Author
Bo Goldman Screenwriter
Lawrence Hauben Screenwriter
Dean Brooks Dr. John Spivey
Alonzo Brown Miller
Phil Roth Woolsey
Universal Product Codes

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Title One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Release Date 1975-12-17
Country USA
Genres Comedy, Drama
Runtime 2h 13m
Sub Genres Tragi-comedy, Psychological Drama
Language English