Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (Theatrical)

1h 28m

For the first time you will SEE the activity... and it's more intense than ever. When a new family moves into Katie and Kristi's former house, they discover a mysterious video camera that reveals the presence an ancient evil that begins to terrorize their lives. Now, with their young daughter's soul in danger, they must fight back against this demonic threat before becoming its next victims in the latest chapter of the groundbreaking horror franchise.

Starring Chris Murray, Brit Shaw, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Chloe Csengery, Ivy George, Jessica Brown, Daniel Gill, Don McManus, Hallie Foote, Cara Pifko, Michael Krawic, Mark Steger, Rebecca Larsen, Chris Murray, Jessica Tyler Brown,
Genres Horror , Suspense
Studios Paramount Pictures
Popular UPC


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Title Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (Theatrical)

Release Date 2015-10-23

Country USA

Genres Horror, Suspense

Runtime 1h 28m

Sub Genres Haunted House Film, Supernatural Thriller

Language English