Adam Jones, the owner of a two-star Michelin restaurant, has a bad attitude and even worse habits to match. When his arrogance destroys his successful career, Jones uncovers a new resolve and is now determined to rebuild his life and achieve one of the most elusive culinary distinctions: a third Michelin Star. To shut down his dissenters Jones assembles a new crew, including the beautiful Helene, to help him battle the odds and launch a new top restaurant.
Starring | Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Omar Sy, Daniel Brühl, Riccardo Scamarcio, Sam Keeley, Alicia Vikander, Matthew Rhys, Uma Thurman, Emma Thompson, Lily James, Sarah Greene, Stephen Campbell Moore, Elisa Lasowski, Julian Firth, Richard Cunningham, Sarah Greene, Jamie Dornan, |
Genres | Comedy , Drama |
Studios | Lionsgate |
Popular UPC |
1313263588 |

Cast & Crew
John Wells Director
Bradley Cooper Adam Jones
Sienna Miller Helene
Omar Sy Michel
Daniel Brühl Tony
Riccardo Scamarcio Max
Sam Keeley David
Alicia Vikander Anne Marie
Matthew Rhys Reece
Uma Thurman Simone
Emma Thompson Dr. Rosshilde
Lily James Sara
Sarah Greene Kaitlin
Stephen Campbell Moore Jack
Elisa Lasowski Denitzi
Julian Firth Langham Maitre'd
Richard Cunningham Michelin Inspector #1
Stacey Sher Producer
Erwin Stoff Producer
David Glasser Executive Producer
Claire Rudnick Polstein Executive Producer
Michael Kalesniko Screenwriter
Sarah Greene Kaitlin
Jamie Dornan Leon
Dylan Sellers Executive Producer
Michael Shamberg Executive Producer
Kris Thykier Executive Producer
Bob Weinstein Executive Producer
Harvey Weinstein Executive Producer
Steven Knight Screenwriter
Universal Product Codes

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