The Notebook [Le Grand Cahier]
Towards the end of World War II, a desperate mother leaves her 13-year-old twin sons at their grandmother's house, despite the fact that this grandmother is a cruel and bestial alcoholic. Previously pampered, the twins must learn how to survive alone in their new, rural surroundings. They realize that the only way to cope with the inhumane world of adults and war is to become completely unfeeling and merciless.
Starring | András Gyémánt, László Gyémánt, Ulrich Matthes, Piroska Molnar, Gyöngyvér Bognár, Ulrich Thomsen, László Gyémánt, András Gyémánt, Piroska Molnar, Sabin Tambrea, Gyonyver Bognar, Orsolya Tóth, |
Genres | Drama , International , Historical , Western |
Studios | Sony Pictures |
Popular UPC |
4339644560 |

Cast & Crew
Janos Szasz Director
András Gyémánt One
László Gyémánt Other
Ulrich Matthes Father
Piroska Molnar Grandmother
Gyöngyvér Bognár Mother
Ulrich Thomsen Officer
Pal Sandor Producer
Sándor Söth Producer
Agota Kristof Book Author
Andras Szeker Screenwriter
János Szász Director
László Gyémánt Other
András Gyémánt One
Piroska Molnar Grandmother
Sabin Tambrea Officer's friend
Gyonyver Bognar Mother
Orsolya Tóth Harelip
Pal Sandor Producer
Sandor Söth Producer
Universal Product Codes

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