The New Kids
Abby McWilliams' (Lori Loughlin, TV's "Full House") nightmare begins when she attracts the unwantedattention of teenage psychopath Eddie Dutra (James Spader, TV's "Boston Practice"). Turned down for a date, Eddie destroys Abby's home, vandalizes her uncle's car and nearly stomps her brother Loren(Shannon Presby) to death. But it's only when he kidnaps Abby from the school dance, that Eddie shows his true feelings.

Cast & Crew
Sean S. Cunningham Director
Shannon Presby Loren
Lori Loughlin Abby
James Spader Dutra
John Philbin Gideon
David H. MacDonald Moonie
Vince Grant Joe Bob
Theron Montgomery Gordo
Ed Jones Charlie
Lucy Martin Aunt Fay
Eric Stoltz Mark
Court Miller Sheriff
Tom Atkins "Mac" MacWilliams
Jean DeBaer Mary Beth MacWilliams
Brad Sullivan Colonel Jenkins
John Archie Math Teacher
Toni Crabtree Newscaster
Fred Buch Guidance Counselor
Ilse Earl Guidance Counselor
John D. LeMay Redneck
Margaret Welsh Friend
Andrew Fogelson Producer
Stephen Gyllenhaal Screenwriter
Brian Taggert Screenwriter
Vince Grant JoeBob
Eddie Jones Charlie McWilliams
Paige Price Karen
Universal Product Codes

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Title The New Kids
Release Date 1985-01-01
Country USA
Genres Horror, Suspense
Runtime 1h 29m
Sub Genres Psychological Thriller
Language English