Blood Ties
Violence erupts when two brothers on two sides of the law face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970s.

Cast & Crew
Guillaume Canet Director
Clive Owen Chris
Billy Crudup Frank
Marion Cotillard Monica
Mila Kunis Natalie
Zoe Saldana Vanessa
Matthias Schoenaerts Anthony
James Caan Leon
Lili Taylor Marie
Noah Emmerich Lieutenant Connellan
Domenick Lombardozzi Mike
John Ventimiglia Valenti
Griffin Dunne McNally
Jamie Hector Nick
Yul Vazquez Fabio De Soto
Eve Hewson Yvonne
Anais Lee Janie
Richard Petrocelli Romero
Mark Mahoney Louis
Olek Krupa Tommy
Jon Goracy Mechanic/Witness
Brendan Burke Marco
Charlie Tahan Michael
Daisy Tahan Actor
Chris Fischer Policeman Officer Norm
John Joseph Gallagher Head Internal Affairs
Austin Williams Young Chris
Ron Crawford Old Man
Mike Houston Policeman #2
Julian Gamble Jack Wheeler
Dominik Tiefenthaler Ruby Bartender
Anthony Alessandro Fake Cop
Heather Litteer Bored Hooker #1
Alain Attal Producer
John Lesher Producer
Hugo Selignac Producer
Christopher Woodrow Producer
Xavier Amblard Executive Producer
Maria Cestone Executive Producer
Molly Conners Executive Producer
Christopher Goode Executive Producer
Hoyt David Morgan Executive Producer
James Gray Screenwriter
Sarah E. Johnson Executive Producer
Vincent Maraval Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Blood Ties
Release Date 2014-03-21
Country France
Genres Action, Drama, Suspense, Crime
Runtime 2h 8m
Sub Genres Crime Thriller, Family Drama
Language English