Pawn Shop Chronicles
A missing wedding ring incites a wild-goose chase involving meth addicts, skinheads, and an Elvis impersonator in this action-packed, all-star comedy.

Cast & Crew
Wayne Kramer Director
Paul Walker Raw Dog
Matt Dillon Richard
Brendan Fraser Ricky
Kevin Rankin Randy
Vincent D'Onofrio Alton
Norman Reedus Stanley
Chi McBride Johnson
Elijah Wood Johnny Shaw
D.J. Qualls J.J.
Pell James Cyndi
Lukas Haas Vernon
Sam Hennings Virgil
Ashlee Simpson Theresa
Michael Cudlitz Ben
Thomas Jane The Man
Matt O'Leary Lamar
Bernard Hocke Doc
Marc Macaulay Cook
Adam Minarovich George
David Mimran Producer
Jordan Schur Producer
Nick Thurlow Producer
Paul Walker Producer
Brandon Birtell Executive Producer
Fred Durst Executive Producer
James Gibb Executive Producer
Peter Graham Executive Producer
Stephen Hays Executive Producer
Wayne Kramer Director
Rachelle Lefevre Sandy
Steven Schneider Producer
Bernardo da Fonseca Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Pawn Shop Chronicles
Release Date 2013-07-12
Country USA
Genres Action, Comedy
Runtime 1h 52m
Sub Genres Action Comedy
Language English