The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
In the conclusion of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, armies mass for a final battle that will decide the fate of the world -- and powerful.

Cast & Crew
Peter Jackson Director
Elijah Wood Frodo Baggins
Ian McKellen Gandolf
Liv Tyler Arwen
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn (Strider)
Sean Astin Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
Cate Blanchett Galadriel
John Rhys-Davies Gimli
Bernard Hill King Theoden of Rohan
Billy Boyd Peregrin Took
Dominic Monaghan Meriadoc Brandybuck
Orlando Bloom Legolas
Hugo Weaving Elrond
Miranda Otto Eowyn of Rohan
David Wenham Faramir
Karl Urban Eomer
John Noble Denethor
Andy Serkis Gollum/Smeagol
Ian Holm Bilbo
Sean Bean Boromir
Lawrence Makoare Witch King/Gothmog
Paul Norell King of the Dead
Marton Csokas Celeborn
Christopher Lee Saruman
Brad Dourif Grima Wormtongue
Bruce Hopkins Gamling
Barrie Osborne Producer
Michael Lynne Executive Producer
Robert Shaye Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Release Date 2003-12-17
Country USA
Genres Sci-Fi, Adventure, Fantasy
Runtime 3h 20m
Sub Genres Sword-and-Sorcery, Fantasy Adventure
Language English