King David
The prophet Samuel condemns Saul (Edward Woodward) and secretly anoints David (Richard Gere) king of Israel, according to the Old Testament.
Cast & Crew
Bruce Beresford Director
Richard Gere David
Alice Krige Bathsheba
Edward Woodward Saul
Denis Quilley Samuel
Niall Buggy Nathan
Jack Klaff Jonathan
Cherie Lunghi Michal
Jean-Marc Barr Absalom
Ian Sears Young David
Hurd Hatfield Ahimelech
John Castle Abner
Tim Woodward Joab
David DeKeyser Ahitophel
Gina Bellman Tamar
Simon Dutton Eliab
John Hallam Philistine Armor Bearer
Christopher Malcolm Doeg
Valentine Pelka Shammah
Massimo Sarchielli Palastu
Arthur Whybrow Jesse
Anton Alexander Runner
John Barrard Benjamite Elder
Jason Carter Solomon
Mark Drewry Ishbosheth
David Graham Ephraimite Elder
John Gabriel Jehosaphat
Marino Mase Agag
Martin Elfand Producer
Andrew Birkin Screenwriter
James Costigan Screenwriter
Universal Product Codes
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Title King David
Release Date 1985-03-29
Country UK
Genres Drama, Historical
Runtime 1h 53m
Sub Genres Biopic [feature], Religious Epic, Hagiography
Language English