Popeye, the legendary, beloved anvil-armed sailor of the seven seas, comes magically to life in this delightful musical. Meet Wimpy and Bluto and all the other cartoon favorites in this happy, tuneful, fun-for-the-whole-family movie!

Cast & Crew
Robert Altman Director
Robin Williams Popeye
Shelley Duvall Olive Oyl
Ray Walston Poopdeck Pappy
Paul Smith Bluto
Paul Dooley Wimpy
Linda Hunt Mrs. Oxheart
Richard Libertini Geezil
Donald Moffat Taxman
MacIntyre Dixon Cole Oyl
Roberta Maxwell Nana Oyl
Donovan Scott Castor Oyl
Allan Nicholls Rough House
Robert Fortier Bill Barnacle, town drunk
David McCharen Harry Hotcash, gambler
Geoff Hoyle Scoop
Wayne Robson Chizzelflint
Julie Janney Mena
Dennis Franz Spike
Alan Autry Slug
Ned Dowd Butch
David Arkin The Mailman/Policeman
Van Dyke Parks Hoagy
Klaus Voormann Von Schnitzel
Robert Evans Producer
C.O. Erickson Executive Producer
Jules Feiffer Screenwriter
Bill Irwin Ham Gravy
Universal Product Codes

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Title Popeye
Release Date 1980-12-12
Country USA
Genres Action, Comedy, Music/Musical, Adventure, Kids
Runtime 1h 53m
Sub Genres Family-Oriented Adventure
Language English