Brother's Keeper
An ex-cop covers for her mentally ill brother's crimes. As his apparent involvement in a murder she is investigating grows, she discovers how far she'll go to protect him - and how far he'll push her.

Cast & Crew
John Badham Director
Jeanne Tripplehorn Lucinda Pond
Corin Nemec Ellis Pond
Evan Parke Junior
Leland Orser Travis
Brian Jensen Davis Pond
Britt McKillip Lucinda (age 10)
Cameron Crigger Ellis (age 8)
Ben Cardinal Running Bear
Andrew Jackson Adam Ruane
William S. Taylor Tierney
Peter Lacroix Tom Howlett
Kathryn Kirkpatrick Arleen Howlett
Lloyd Berry Lloyd Murgin
Alex Bruhanski Rick Buckley
Sean Campbell Bous
Marilyn Norry Cam
Justis Greene Producer
Pen Densham Executive Producer
Guy McElwaine Executive Producer
Mark Stern Executive Producer
Jonathan Watson Executive Producer
Steven Baigelman Screenwriter
Glenn Gers Screenwriter
Cameron Bright Young Ellis
William Taylor Fred Tierney
Universal Product Codes

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Title Brother's Keeper
Release Date 2002-10-08
Country Canada
Genres Action, Suspense, Adventure
Runtime 1h 26m
Sub Genres Psychological Thriller, Family Drama, Police Detective Film
Language English