A Dangerous Method
From acclaimed director David Cronenberg (A History of Violence) comes a dark tale of sexual and intellectual discovery, featuring two of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender, Shame) has just begun his psychiatric career, having been inspired by the great Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen, The Lord of the Rings trilogy).

Cast & Crew
David Cronenberg Director
Keira Knightley Sabina Spielrein
Viggo Mortensen Sigmund Freud
Michael Fassbender Carl Jung
Vincent Cassel Otto Gross
Sarah Gadon Emma Jung
André Hennicke Professor Eugen Bleuler
Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey Sándor Ferenczi
Mignon Reme Jung's Secretary
Mareike Carriere Food Nurse
Franziska Arndt Bath Nurse
Anna Thalbach Bathtub Patient
Christian Serritiello Ship's Officer
Julia Mack Mathilde Freud
Aaron Keller Oliver Freud
Jeremy Thomas Producer
Stephan Mallmann Executive Producer
Karl Spoerri Executive Producer
Thomas Sterchi Executive Producer
Peter Watson Executive Producer
Matthias Zimmermann Executive Producer
John Kerr Book Author
Christopher Hampton Play Author
Wladimir Matuchin Nicolai Spielrein
Jost Grix Leonhard Seif
Severin von Hoensbroech Johan van Ophuijsen
Matthias Zimmermann Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title A Dangerous Method
Release Date 2011-11-23
Country Canada
Genres Drama, Suspense
Runtime 1h 39m
Sub Genres Psychological Drama, Docudrama
Language English