Game Time
Trying to escape an abusive past with a fresh start, Vance and his mother have just moved to a new city. Searching for a way to support his family while continuing his education, Vance joins forces with Jules, who is looking for a highly skilled basketball duel partner. With their impressive talent, these two start cleaning the streets, winning every duel in town.
Starring | Jason Hurt, Maria DiDomenico, Phil Haus, Kevin Richardson, Shashi Balooja, J. Simmons, Noelle Mihalinec, Dee Mastroff, Cliff Samara, Roudy St. Fleur, Jason Hurt, Shashi Balooja, , Noelle Mihalinec, Kevin Richardson, Alberto Veloso, J. Simmons, Rachael Mastroff, |
Genres | Action |
Studios | Lionsgate |
Popular UPC |
3139814705 |

Cast & Crew
Diego Hallivis Director
Jason Hurt Jules
Maria DiDomenico Maria
Phil Haus Vance Halden
Kevin Richardson Koach K. Rich
Shashi Balooja History Professor
J. Simmons Coach Roake
Noelle Mihalinec Lena
Dee Mastroff Female Teacher
Cliff Samara Dr. Chasin
Roudy St. Fleur Dre
Julio Hallivis Producer
Michael Luong Producer
Ken Mordechai Executive Producer
Alberto Veloso Screenwriter
Jason Hurt Jules
Shashi Balooja History Professor
Noelle Mihalinec Lena
Kevin Richardson Koach K. Rich
Alberto Veloso Math Professor
J. Simmons Coach Roake
Rachael Mastroff Amy
Michael Luong Executive Producer
Roberto Sagahon Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Game Time
Release Date 2011-12-27
Country USA
Genres Action
Runtime 1h 40m
Sub Genres Sports Drama, Urban Drama
Language English