Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams
The outrageous, permanently spaced-out duo sells enough of their "specially mixed" ice cream to take the cash and realize their fondest dreams: new guitars, islands in the sun and beautiful women. But, of course, not everything goes as planned.

Cast & Crew
Tommy Chong Director
Cheech Marin Himself
Stacy Keach The Sarge
Timothy Leary Himself
Evelyn Guerrero Donna
Paul Reubens Howie Hamburger
Michael Masters Willard "Animal" Bad
Jeff Pomerantz CHP
James Faracci CHP
Taaffe O'Connell Nurse
Suzanne Kent Sidney the Agent
Shirley Prestia Singer
Sandra Bernhard Angie
Paris Chong Kid Buying Ice Cream
Shelby Chong Body Builder
Louis Guss Herb
Peter Jason Actor
Rikki Marin Blonde in Car
Linnea Quigley Actor
Tim Rossovich Noodles
Sab Shimono Bus Boy
Michael Winslow Superman Nut
Howard Brown Producer
Evelyn Guerrero Donna
Michael Masters Willard "Animal" Bad
Universal Product Codes

Similar Items
Title Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams
Release Date 1981-07-24
Country USA
Genres Comedy
Runtime 1h 27m
Sub Genres Slapstick, Stoner Comedy
Language English