City Island
Meet the Rizzos, a fuedel family in the throws of battle as their bizarre and layered lies unravel. A star-studded cast including Andy Garcia, Julianna Margulies, Alan Arkin, and Emily Mortimer create a perfect storm of deception.

Cast & Crew
Raymond DeFelitta Director
Andy Garcia Vince Rizzo
Julianna Margulies Joyce Rizzo
Emily Mortimer Molly Charlesworth
Alan Arkin Michael Malakov
Steven Strait Tony Nardella
Ezra Miller Vinnie Rizzo
Dominik Garcia-Lorido Vivian Rizzo
Carrie Baker Reynolds Actor
Hope Glendon-Ross Actor
Louis Mustillo Actor
Zachary Matz Producer
Lauren Versel Producer
Maria Teresa Arida Executive Producer
Raymond De Felitta Director
Dominik Garcia-Lorido Vivian Rizzo
Carrie Reynolds Denise
Jee Han Casting Assistant
Sarah Saltzberg Casting Director
Curtiss Cook Matt Cruniff
Sharon Angela Tanya
Maria Arida Executive Producer
Milutin Gatsby Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title City Island
Release Date 2009-04-26
Country USA
Genres Comedy
Runtime 1h 43m
Sub Genres Domestic Comedy
Language English