Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Extended Version)
Based on the wildly popular book by J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter is a young boy who, on his eleventh birthday, discovers that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and has unique magical powers of his own. He is summoned from his dreary life as an unwanted child to become a student at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he meets several friends who become his closest allies, and who help him solve the mystery of the Sorcerer's Stone!

Cast & Crew
Chris Columbus Director
Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter
Emma Watson Hermione Granger
Rupert Grint Ron Weasley
Maggie Smith Minerva McGonagall
Robbie Coltrane Hagrid
Alan Rickman Severus Snape
Richard Harris Albus Dumbledore
Richard Griffiths Vernon Dursley
Ian Hart Professor Quirrell
John Hurt Mr. Ollivander
Warwick Davis Goblin Bank Teller
Fiona Shaw Petunia Dursley
John Cleese Nearly Headless Nick
Julie Walters Mrs. Weasley
Sean Biggerstaff Oliver Wood
Zoe Wannamaker Madame Hooch
Tom Felton Draco Malfoy
Matthew Lewis Neville Longbottom
David Bradley Argus Filch
Bonnie Wright Ginny Weasley
David Heyman Producer
Michael Barnathan Executive Producer
Duncan Henderson Executive Producer
Mark Radcliffe Executive Producer
J.K. Rowling Book Author
Steve Kloves Screenwriter
Zoe Wanamaker Madame Hooch
Harry Melling Dudley Dursley
Universal Product Codes

Title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Extended Version)
Release Date 2002-11-15
Country USA
Genres Family, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Fantasy, Kids
Runtime 2h 38m
Sub Genres Children's Fantasy, Fantasy Adventure
Language English