Tommy Boy
Party animal Tommy Callahan is definitely a few cans short of a six-pack. But after seven years, Tommy's finally earned his diploma - and a cushy job at Callahan Auto Parts. Returning home, Tommy gets some more great news: his dad is marrying a real "10," and Tommy will get the stepbrother he always wanted. Awesome! But as the family business starts tanking, Tommy's got to hit the road with his dad's right-hand man to save it.

Cast & Crew
Peter Segal Director
Chris Farley Tommy Callahan III
David Spade Richard
Bo Derek Beverly
Brian Dennehy Big Tom
Rob Lowe Paul
Dan Aykroyd Zalinsky
Julie Warner Michelle
Sean McCann Rittenhauer
Zach Grenier Reilly
James Blendick Gilmore
Dean Marshall Frat Boy
Philip Williams Danny
David Hemblen Archer
Helen Hughes Boardroom Woman
David Huband Gas Attendant
Colin R. Fox Nelson
David Calderisi 'Yes' Executive
Marc Strange Toy CAr Executive
Jonathan Wilson Marty
Ron James Bank Guard
Sandi Stahlbrand News Reporter
Robbie Rox Restaurant Regular
Lorne Michaels Producer
Robert K. Weiss Executive Producer
Bonnie Turner Screenwriter
Terry Turner Screenwriter
Robert Weiss Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Tommy Boy
Release Date 1995-03-31
Country USA
Genres Comedy
Runtime 1h 37m
Sub Genres Slapstick, Buddy Film
Language English