Ma Vie en Rose [My Life in Pink]
Ludovic is waiting for a miracle. With six-year-old certainty, he believes he was meant to be a little girl - and that the mistake will soon be corrected. But where he expects the miraculous, Ludo finds only rejection, isolation and guilt.
Starring | Michele Laroque, Jean-Philippe Ecoffey, Helene Vincent, Georges DuFresne, Daniel Hanssens, Laurence Bibot, Jean-Francois Gallotte, Baehr , Julien Riviere, Marie Bunuel, Georges Du Fresne, Caroline Baehr, Marie Bunel, |
Genres | Comedy , Drama , International , Other |
Studios | Sony Pictures |
Popular UPC |
4339603951 |

Cast & Crew
Alain Berliner Director
Michele Laroque Hanna
Jean-Philippe Ecoffey Pierre
Helene Vincent Elisabeth
Georges DuFresne Ludovic
Daniel Hanssens Albert
Laurence Bibot Lisette
Jean-Francois Gallotte Thierry
Baehr Monique
Julien Riviere Jerome
Marie Bunuel Psychoanalyst
Carole Scott Producer
Chris VanderStappen Screenwriter
Georges Du Fresne Ludovic Fabre
Caroline Baehr Monique
Marie Bunel Psychoanalyst
Carole Scotta Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Ma Vie en Rose [My Life in Pink]
Release Date 1997-12-26
Country France
Genres Comedy, Drama, International, Other
Runtime 1h 29m
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Language French