David Kepesh is an eminent 70-year-old cultural critic and lecturer at a New York college whose womanizing ways were ended by a devastating, all-consuming affair he had eight years before with voluptuous 24-year-old Consuela Castillo, a graduate student and daughter of a prosperous Cuban family.

Cast & Crew
Isabel Coixet Director
Penelope Cruz Consuela Castillo
Ben Kingsley David Kepesh
Dennis Hopper George
Patricia Clarkson Carolyn
Peter Sarsgaard Kenny Kapesh
Deborah Harry Amy
Charlie Rose Charlie Rose
Antonio Cupo 2nd Student
Michelle Harrison Beth
Emily Holmes 1st Student
Chelah Horsdal Reese
Marci T. House Administration Nurse
Alessandro Juliani Actor #3 in Play
Tiffany Lyndall-Knight Actor #2 in Play
Shaker Paleja 3rd Student
Kris Pope Consuela's Brother
Julian Richings Actor in Play #1
Tania Saulnier George's Girlfriend
Michael Teigen Waiter
Laura Mennell Cute Girl
Andre Lamal Producer
Gary Lucchesi Producer
Tom Rosenberg Producer
Judd Malkin Executive Producer
Terry McKay Executive Producer
Eric Reid Executive Producer
Marc Ross Executive Producer
Richard S. Wright Executive Producer
Philip Roth Book Author
Nicholas Meyer Screenwriter
Richard Wright Executive Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Elegy
Release Date 2008-08-08
Country USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Runtime 1h 52m
Sub Genres Psychological Drama
Language English