The Caine Mutiny
This is a classic film of modern day mutiny aboard a Naval vessel based on the novel by Herman Wouk. The nervous and inept behavior of Captain Queeg during maneuvers aboard the U.S.S. Caine, a destroyer/mine sweeper attracts the attention of the ship's crew members and it's executive officer, Maryk. When Queeg's neurotic behavior reaches a breaking point during a fierce typhoon, Maryk takes command of the ship.

Cast & Crew
Edward Dmytryk Director
Humphrey Bogart Capt. Philip Francis Queeg
Jose Ferrer Lt. Barney Greenwald
Van Johnson Lt. Steve Maryk
Fred MacMurray Lt. Tom Keefer
Robert Francis Ensign Willie Keith
May Wynn May Wynn
Tom Tully Capt. DeVriess
E.G. Marshall Lieutenant Commander Challee
Arthur Franz Lt. Paynter
Lee Marvin Meatball
Warner Anderson Capt. Blakely
Claude Akins Horrible
Katherine Warren Mrs. Keith
Jerry Paris Ensign Harding
Steve Brodie Chief Budge
Todd Karns Stilwell
Whit Bissell Lt. Cmdr. Dickson
James Best Lieutenant Jorgensen
Joe Haworth Ens. Carmody
James Edwards Whittaker
Don Dubbins Uban
Herbert Anderson Ens. Rabbit
Robert Bray Court Martial Jury
Ted Cooper Sergeant-at-arms
Don Keefer Court Stenographer
Dayton Lummis Uncle Lloyd
Kenneth MacDonald Court Martial Jury
Tyler McVey Court Martial Jury
Richard Norris Court Martial Jury
Gaylord "Steve" Pendleton Court Martial Jury
James Todd Commodore Kelvey
Donald Dillaway Chauffeur
Stanley Kramer Producer
Herman Wouk Book Author
Michael Blankfort Screenwriter
Stanley Roberts Screenwriter
Universal Product Codes

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Title The Caine Mutiny
Release Date 1954-06-24
Country USA
Genres Drama, Adventure
Runtime 2h 4m
Sub Genres Sea Adventure, Courtroom Drama
Language English