Syriana: a geographical term referring to those Middle East hot spots that have proven volatile with regard to the security of the United States. The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism by Robert Baer, this timely political thriller takes a penetrating look at the efforts of the U.S. intelligence-gathering community in the Middle East, weaving together several story lines ranging from American foreign policy and the CIA's role in it to the oil industry and terrorism.

Cast & Crew
Stephen Gaghan Director
George Clooney Bob Barnes
Matt Damon Bryan Woodman
Jeffrey Wright Bennett Holiday
Chris Cooper Jimmy Pope
William Hurt Stan Goff
Tim Blake Nelson Danny Dalton
Amanda Peet Julie Woodman
Christopher Plummer Dean Whiting
Alexander Siddig Prince Nasir Al-Subaai
Mazhar Munir Wasid Ahmed Khan
Nicholas Reese Art Riley Woodman
Mark Strong Mussawi
Max Minghella Robby Barnes
Fritz Michel Security Guard
Akbar Kurtha Prince Meshal Al-Subaai
Viola Davis Marilyn Richards
William Charles Mitchell Bennett Holiday, Sr.
Nicky Henson Sydney Hewitt
Robert Foxworth Tommy Thompson
Peter Gerety Lee Janus
David Clennon Donald Farish III
Nadim Sawalha Emir Hamad Al-Subaai
Shahid Ahmed Saleed Ahmed Khan
Jamey Sheridan Terry George
Tom McCarthy Fred Franks
Jayne Atkinson CIA Division Chief
Jennifer Fox Producer
Georgia Kacandes Producer
Michael Nozik Producer
Ben Cosgrove Executive Producer
Jeff Skoll Executive Producer
Steven Soderbergh Executive Producer
Robert Baer Book Author
Heather Chase Juillian
Susan Allenback paralegal
Nicholas Art Riley Woodman
Luke Barnett College Friend
Universal Product Codes

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Title Syriana
Release Date 2005-11-23
Country USA
Genres Drama, Suspense, Western
Runtime 2h 7m
Sub Genres Docudrama, Political Thriller, Unglamorized Spy Film
Language English