Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World
The hilarious story of what happens when the U.S. Government sends comedian Albert Brooks to India and Pakistan to find out what makes the over 300 million Muslims in the region laugh.

Cast & Crew
Albert Brooks Albert Brooks
Sheetal Sheth Maya
Jon Tenney Mark
John Carroll Lynch Stuart
Amy Ryan Emily
Fred Dalton Thompson Fred Dalton Thompson
Ahmed Ahmed Escort
Conrad Bachmann Ben Wallerstein
Lynda Berg Margaret Allenton
Steve Kramer Sam Loman
Kavi Raz Translator
B.J. Ward Barbara Nader
Penny Marshall Penny Marshall
Tony Montero Don Budge
Ajay Mehta Indian Official
Marshall Manesh Shaif Al-Rafi
Subash Kundanmal Pakistani Official
P.D. Mani Pakistani Comedian
Emma Lockhart Laura
Paul Eric Jerome Studio Executive
Duncan Bravo Stage Manager
Herb Nanas Producer
Deepak Nayar Producer
Tabrez Noorani Producer
Joann Perritano Executive Producer
Homie Doroodian Majeed
Victoria Burrows Casting Director
Juliet Touzene Indian Woman
Kevin Mukherji Spotlight Man
Universal Product Codes

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Title Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World
Release Date 2006-01-20
Country USA
Genres Comedy
Runtime 1h 38m
Sub Genres Satire, Political Satire
Language English