The Loved One
Rod Steiger stars in this comedy about the wacky Hollywood funeral business. Robert Morse plays an Englishman who encounters the many bizarre aspects of the funeral business when he attends his uncle's funeral. Co-starring Jonathan Winters. All-star cast includes: Dana Andrews, James Coburn, Milton Berle, Tab Hunter, John Gielgud, Roddy McDowall, and Liberace.

Cast & Crew
Tony Richardson Director
Robert Morse Dennis Barlow
Anjanette Comer Aimee Thanatogenos
John Gielgud Sir Francis Hinsley
Milton Berle Mr. Ketweof
Jonathan Winters Harry Glenworthy
Roddy McDowall D.J., Jr.
Rod Steiger Mr. Joyboy
Dana Andrews Gen. Brinkson
James Coburn Immigration Officer
Robert Morley Sir Ambrose Abercrombie
Tab Hunter Guide
Margaret Leighton Mrs. Kenton
Lionel Stander Guru Brahmin
Bernie Kopell Assistant to Guru Brahmin
Asa Maynor Secretary to D.J., Jr.
Alan Napier English Club Official
John Bleifer Mr. Bogaloff
Bella Bruck Mrs. Bogaloff
Chick Hearn "Resurrection Now" TV Announcer
Barbara Nichols Sadie Blodgett
Paul Williams Gunther Fry
John Calley Producer
Neil Hartley Producer
Haskell Wexler Producer
Evelyn Waugh Book Author
Christopher Isherwood Screenwriter
Terry Southern Screenwriter
John Gielgud Sir Francis Hinsley
Universal Product Codes

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Title The Loved One
Release Date 1965-10-11
Country USA
Genres Comedy
Runtime 2h 1m
Sub Genres Black Comedy, Comedy of Manners, Showbiz Comedy
Language English