Grand Hotel
The lavish Grand Hotel in Berlin is a place where "nothing ever happens." That statement proves to be false, however, as the story follows an intertwining cast of characters over the course of one tumultuous day. Grusinskaya is a ballerina whose jewels are coveted by Baron von Geigern, a thief who fancies Flaemmchen, a stenographer and the mistress of Preysing, businessman boss of Kringelein, a terminally ill bookkeeper who is under the care of alcoholic physician Dr. Otternschlag.

Cast & Crew
Edmund Goulding Director
Greta Garbo Grusinskaya
John Barrymore Baron Felix von Geigern
Joan Crawford Flaemmchen
Wallace Beery General Director Preysing
Lionel Barrymore Otto Kringelein
Jean Hersholt Senf
Robert McWade Meierheim
Purnell B. Pratt Zinnowitz
Ferdinand Gottschalk Pimenov
Lewis Stone Dr. Otternschlag
Rafaela Ottiano Suzette
Morgan Wallace Chauffeur
Tully Marshall Gerstenkorn
Frank Conroy Rohna
Murray Kinnell Schweimann
Mary Carlisle Honeymooner
Herbert Evans Clerks
Edwin Maxwell Dr. Waitz
Sam McDaniel Bartender
Lee Phelps Extra in Lobby
John Davidson Hotel Manager
Irving G. Thalberg Producer
Vicki Baum Book Author
William A. Drake Play Author
Paul Bern Producer
Irving Thalberg Producer
Universal Product Codes

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Title Grand Hotel
Release Date 1932-04-12
Country USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Runtime 1h 52m
Sub Genres Romantic Drama, Melodrama, Ensemble Film
Language English