Village of the Damned

1h 17m

After a mysterious blackout, the inhabitants of a British village give birth to emotionless, super-powered offspring. As the children grow, their dominance over the town increases until their leader discovers that they are the vanguard of an alien invasion. The cult classic that inspired a sequel ("The Children of the Damned") and a 1995 remake.

Starring George Sanders, Barbara Shelley, Michael Gwynn, Martin Stephens, Laurence Naismith, John Phillips, Richard Vernon, Richard Warner, Jenny Laird, Thomas Heathcote, Alexander Archdale, Charlotte Mitchell, Rosamund Greenwood, Bernard Archard, John Stuart, Peter Vaughan, Robert Marks
Genres Drama , Horror , Sci-Fi
Studios Warner Bros.
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Title Village of the Damned

Release Date 1960-12-07

Country USA

Genres Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi

Runtime 1h 17m

Sub Genres Alien Film, Sci-Fi Horror

Language English