Cross Wars

1h 38m

From the comics to the mean streets of Los Angeles...armed with a powerful ancient Cross amulet, Callan and his team of weapons experts battle local thugs and heinous criminals. When a ruthless villain named Muerte threatens to kill Callan's crew, he and his team join forces with an all-girl crime-fighting squad led by Riley -- who has an ancient amulet of her own! But Muerte is not working alone. He has resurrected the evil immortal Gunnar who has a plan more sinister than anyone can imagine.

Starring Brian Austin Green, Danny Trejo, Vinnie Jones, Tom Sizemore, Lori Heuring, Tim Abell, Andre Gordon, Jonathan Sachar, Carey Scott,
Genres Action
Studios Sony Pictures
Popular UPC


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Title Cross Wars

Release Date 2017-02-06

Country USA

Genres Action

Runtime 1h 38m

Sub Genres

Language English