Inside Daisy Clover

2h 8m

Teen tomboy Daisy Clover (Natalie Wood) dreams of fame -- and gets her wish when big-time movie producer Raymond Swan (Christopher Plummer) comes calling. But, as her image is remolded for the media and her family life is thrown into turmoil, Daisy discovers that being a star in 1930s Hollywood isn't what it's cracked up to be. Alone and distrustful, the young actress searches for a happy ending with a fellow rising star, Wade Lewis (Robert Redford).

Starring Natalie Wood, Christopher Plummer, Robert Redford, Roddy McDowall, Ruth Gordon, Katherine Bard, Betty Harford, John Hale, Harold Gould, Ottola Nesmith, Edna M. Holland, Paul Hartman, Katherine Bard
Genres Drama
Studios Warner Bros.
Popular UPC


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Title Inside Daisy Clover

Release Date 1965-01-01

Country USA

Genres Drama

Runtime 2h 8m

Sub Genres Psychological Drama, Showbiz Drama

Language English