Blackwater Valley Exorcism

1h 29m

Jacob, a troubled priest, is called to an isolated ranch to examine an emotionally disturbed 18-year-old girl, Isabelle. After deciding that an exorcism must be performed to save the girl's life, Jacob is forced to improvise, using the meager resources available to him. But as he and the girl's sister, Claire, rekindle an old romance, Jacob's own inner demons resurface. By the time he realizes the real demon resides within Claire and not Isabelle, he must struggle to save his own soul from the evil spirit that has set a trap to destroy him.

Starring Cameron Daddo, Jeffrey Combs, James Russo, Kristen Erickson, Del Zamora, Leslie Fleming-Mitchell, Madison Taylor, Randy Colton, Don Knowlton, Paul Kappelas,
Genres Horror , Suspense
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Blackwater Valley Exorcism

Release Date 2006-10-17

Country USA

Genres Horror, Suspense

Runtime 1h 29m

Sub Genres Supernatural Horror

Language English