Hercules in New York

1h 32m

Bored with Mount Olympus, Hercules decides to visit Earth against the will of his father, Zeus. Zeus explodes with anger and hurls a thunderbolt at Hercules who plummets into the sea and is rescued by a freighter bound for New York. There he is befriended by Pretzy who whisks him away from a brawling free-for-all with his shipmates. The plot thickens as Zeus' jealous wife Juno sends the dreaded Nemesis to take away Hercules' God-like strength.

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnold Stang, Deborah Loomis, James Karen, Mark Tendler, George Bartenieff, Taina Elg, Merwin Goldsmith, Ernest Graves, Dan Hamilton, Tanny McDonald,
Genres Action , Comedy , Adventure
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Hercules in New York

Release Date 1970-02-25

Country USA

Genres Action, Comedy, Adventure

Runtime 1h 32m

Sub Genres Mythological Fantasy, Fantasy Adventure

Language English