Warlock 3: The End Of Innocence

1h 34m

Over 300 years ago, a demonic Warlock tried unsuccessfully to sacrifice the offspring of a witch in an attempt to create his eternal bride of darkness. But his plan failed and he was banished, until now... Determined to learn more about the family she never knew, Kris Miller (Ashley Laurence) and her college friends decide to spend the weekend in the abandoned 16th century mansion that was left to Kris as part of her inheritance.

Starring Bruce Payne, Ashley Laurence, Angel Boris, Boti Bliss, Paul Francis, Rick Hearst, Jan Schweiterman, Catherine Siggins, Phillipe Zone,
Genres Horror , Sci-Fi
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Warlock 3: The End Of Innocence

Release Date 1999-10-12

Country USA

Genres Horror, Sci-Fi

Runtime 1h 34m

Sub Genres Supernatural Horror

Language English