Dead Alive

1h 37m

On a quiet street, in a small town, pure evil has come to stay. Lionel, an innocent young man, is forced to care for his domineering mother and finds the task a whole lot more demanding after she's bitten by the cursed Sumatran rat monkey. Passing the point of death, Lionel's mother sucks friends and family into her gruesome existence among the living dead and Lionel is sent spiraling into a ghoulish nightmare. Now a crazed zombie, she soon infects enough people to make it difficult for Lionel, still the faithful son, to keep the neighbors from suspecting that something is terribly wrong.

Starring Timothy Balme, Diana Penalver, Elizabeth Moody, Ian Watkin, Brenda Kendall, Stuart Devenie, Jed Brophy, Elizabeth Brimilcombe, Murray Keane, Glenis Levestam, Lewis Rowe,
Genres Comedy , Horror
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Dead Alive

Release Date 1992-08-13

Country New Zealand

Genres Comedy, Horror

Runtime 1h 37m

Sub Genres

Language English