Demon Hunter

1h 18m

In the final war between Heaven and Hell, pray he's on your side. When exorcism fails, the Church secretly sends for one man to finish the job: Jake Greyman. Jake knows the truth about the demons that walk our world and is free to slay their spawn at will. But when Satan unleashes a plan to impregnate young Los Angeles prostitutes with his evil seed, Jake must team up with an unorthodox young nun to save mankind from its own monstrous nature.

Starring Sean Patrick Flanery, Colleen Porch, Tania Deighton, William Bassett, Billy Drago, Robert Alonzo, Harlan Baird, Terrence Beasor, Sophia Crawford, Gary Nickens, Nancy Yoon
Genres Horror
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Demon Hunter

Release Date 2005-02-07

Country USA

Genres Horror

Runtime 1h 18m

Sub Genres Supernatural Horror

Language English