Beethoven's 5th

1h 30m

Sara Newton (Daveigh Chase) goes on a summer trip to visit her uncle, Freddy (Dave Thomas), who resides in a small mining town. Accompanying Sara is her mischievous St. Bernard, Beethoven, with whom she and her family have enjoyed an abundance of adventures. When Beethoven discovers a clue that might lead to buried treasure, the eccentric locals embark on a treasure hunt, a few ghosts make an appearance and chaos consumes the normally peaceful little town.

Starring John Larroquette, Faith Ford, Dave Thomas, Daveigh Chase, Sammy Kahn, Kathy Griffin, Clint Howard, Katherine Helmond, Rodman Flender, Tina Illman, Wayne Dalglish,
Genres Comedy , Kids
Studios Universal Studios
Popular UPC


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Title Beethoven's 5th

Release Date 2003-12-02

Country USA

Genres Comedy, Kids

Runtime 1h 30m

Sub Genres Animal Picture, Family-Oriented Comedy

Language English