Russell Crowe stars as Noah in the film inspired by the timeless story of courage, sacrifice and hope. Also starring Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connolly, this visually stunning, action-packed adventure from acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) is hailed as one of the most unforgettable Biblical epics ever put on film.

Cast & Crew
Darren Aronofsky Director
Russell Crowe Noah
Jennifer Connelly Naameh
Ray Winstone Tubal Cain
Emma Watson Ila
Anthony Hopkins Methuselah
Logan Lerman Ham
Douglas Booth Shem
Leo McHugh Carroll Japheth
Nick Nolte Samyaza
Kevin Durand Rameel
Dakota Goyo Noah (young)
Mark Margolis Magog
Marton Csokas Lamech
Ariane Rinehart Eve
Don Harvey Mean Uncle
Sami Gayle Refugee Daughter
Barry Sloane Poacher Leader
Gregg Bello Testu-col
Frank Langella Voice of Og
Scott Franklin Producer
Arnon Milchan Producer
Mary Parent Producer
Chris Brigham Executive Producer
Ari Handel Screenwriter
Leo McHugh Carroll Japheth
Dakota Goyo Young Noah
Universal Product Codes

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Title Noah
Release Date 2014-03-28
Country USA
Genres Action, Drama, Adventure, Historical, Fantasy
Runtime 2h 17m
Sub Genres Religious Epic
Language English