National Lampoon's Gold Diggers

1h 26m

Calvin (Will Friedle) and Leonard (Chris Owen), two broke losers, are arrested for trying to rob rich old sisters Doris (Louise Lasser) and Betty (Renee Taylor). The women have a change of heart, drop the charges and invite the the boys over to their mansion. Calvin decides he and Leonard should marry the women, and, when they soon die, live off the inheritance. The ladies, however, have run into their own financial troubles and wed the boys with plans of murdering them for insurance money.

Starring Will Friedle, Chris Owen, Louise Lasser, Renee Taylor, Nikki Ziering, Rudy DeLuca, Jack Ong, Carmen Twillie,
Genres Comedy
Studios Warner Bros.
Popular UPC


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Title National Lampoon's Gold Diggers

Release Date 2004-09-17

Country USA

Genres Comedy

Runtime 1h 26m

Sub Genres

Language English