Legend Of Kung Fu Rabbit

1h 28m

Fu, a dopey rabbit, is telepathically given the ultimate kung fu power after rescuing Shifu, a martial arts master, from a fatal attack with the promise that he, Fu, would return the martial arts academy tablet to his, Shifu's daughter, Penny. While on his journey to the academy thieves ambush Fu and unbeknownst to him he is rescued by Penny. As they become traveling companions they arrive at the academy only to learn it has been taken over by the evil Slash.

Starring Jon Heder, Michael Clarke Duncan, Rebecca Black, Claire Geare, Tom Arnold,
Genres Comedy , Adventure , Animation , Kids
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Legend Of Kung Fu Rabbit

Release Date 2011-07-11

Country China

Genres Comedy, Adventure, Animation, Kids

Runtime 1h 28m

Sub Genres

Language Chinese