Dead Birds

1h 31m

William (Henry Thomas), a Confederate soldier, has gone AWOL with a crew of other men. As the group, among it a runaway slave (Isaiah Washington) and a nurse (Nicki Aycox), makes its way along, it stops off to rob a bank clean. Looking to plan a getaway, the gang heads into an empty house to hole up for the evening. As the soldiers start arguing with one another, strange things begin happening in the house -- and everyone in the group soon realizes that the place is haunted.

Starring Henry Thomas, Patrick Fugit, Nicki Lynn Aycox, Isaiah Washington, Muse Watson, Michael Shannon, Mark Boone, Jr.,
Genres Horror , Historical
Studios Sony Pictures
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Title Dead Birds

Release Date 2004-03-15

Country USA

Genres Horror, Historical

Runtime 1h 31m

Sub Genres Period Film, Haunted House Film, Supernatural Horror

Language English