Not Another Teen Movie

1h 28m

NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE shows no mercy as it skewers the conventions and clichés of the genre you hate to love. Join Janey Briggs (Chyler Leigh), an aspiring artist who is outcast by her classmates for wearing glasses, a ponytail and paint-covered overalls; and Jake Wyler (Chris Evans), the all-American football star who makes a foolish bet to turn Janey into a prom queen, in a risqué romp with an assortment of twisted takes on classic teen characters and teen movies.

Starring Chyler Leigh, Chris Evans, Jaime Pressly, Eric Christian Olsen, Mia Kirshner, Deon Richmond, Eric Jungmann, Ron Lester, Cody McMains, Sam Huntington, Riley Smith, JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Lacey Chabert, Samm Levine, Cerina Vincent, Beverly Polcyn, Nectar Rose, Samaire Armstrong, Ed Lauter, Paul Gleason, Mr. T , Randy Quaid, Molly Ringwald,
Genres Comedy
Studios Sony Pictures
Popular UPC


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Title Not Another Teen Movie

Release Date 2001-12-14

Country USA

Genres Comedy

Runtime 1h 28m

Sub Genres Parody/Spoof, Teen Movie, Gross-Out Comedy

Language English