Quest for Zhu

1h 13m

The heartwarming tale of four lively young teens (who just happen to be hamsters) on a quest to find the Palace of Zhu, where they believe all their dreams will come true. Join the feisty and lovable Pipsqueak as she gets swept away to the other side of the Zhuniverse. On her adventure, she befriends Chunk, Num Nums and Mr. Squiggles, and when they arrive at the Palace of Zhu, they realize it is just the beginning of their remarkable journey.

Starring Mariah Wilkerson, Shannon Chan-Kent, Ian James Corlett, Sean Campbell, Erin Mathews, Jillian Michaels, Jan Rabson, Kathleen Barr, Mariah Wilkerson, Ian Corlett, Erin Matthews,
Genres Comedy , Family , Adventure , Animation , Kids
Studios Universal Studios
Popular UPC


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Title Quest for Zhu

Release Date 2011-09-20

Country USA

Genres Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animation, Kids

Runtime 1h 13m

Sub Genres Children's Fantasy

Language English