Megan is Missing

1h 25m

Fourteen-year-old Megan and her best friend Amy spend a lot of time on the internet, posting videos of themselves and chatting with guys online. One night Megan chats with a boy named Josh who convinces her to meet him for a date. The next day, Megan is missing - forever. Based on actual cases of child abduction, this thriller will keep you riveted, as you realize how easy it is to fall victim to harm in this technological age.

Starring Amber Perkins, Rachel Quinn, Dean Waite, Jael Steinmeyer, Kara Wang, Brittany Hingle, Carolina Sabate, Trigve Hagen, Rudy Galvan, April Stewart, John Frazier, Tammy Klein,
Genres Drama , Suspense , Crime
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Megan is Missing

Release Date 2011-01-01

Country USA

Genres Drama, Suspense, Crime

Runtime 1h 25m

Sub Genres Docudrama

Language English