The Fox and the Child

1h 34m

What would it be like to have a fox for a friend? A 10-year-old girl who wants to know sets out to befriend a beautiful wild fox she names Lily. Bit by bit, in woods and fields blanketed by snow and carpeted by wildflowers, the girl and Lily build an extraordinary friendship as the fox leads her human companion on adventures bold, funny and even sometimes scary. A life-affirming story, astonishing vistas and warm narration THE FOX AND THE CHILD a share-and-share-again family event.

Starring Kate Winslet, Bertille Noel-Bruneau, Thomas Laliberte, Isabelle Carre, Ambra Angiolini
Genres Documentary , Drama , Family , Adventure , Kids
Studios Warner Bros.
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Title The Fox and the Child

Release Date 2007-11-28

Country France

Genres Documentary, Drama, Family, Adventure, Kids

Runtime 1h 34m

Sub Genres Children's Fantasy

Language English