Alive or Dead

1h 22m

While traveling down a desolate road, Maria comes upon an apparently abandoned school bus. A girl has written "HELP ME" in one of the windows and Maria quickly discovers the messy secrets that lie in the back of the bus. As the killer reappears, Maria finds herself now hidden and trapped as the killer takes them on the ride of their lives. Their journey leads to a bizarre location in the desert, where they'll quickly learn their enemy is not who they think. The girls must figure out whom to trust, if they hope to return home, alive or dead.

Starring , Angelica May, Thomas Crnkovich, Diego Vargas, Gretchen Busenitz, Masao Kitamura, L. Esquerra, Dutch Bergeron,
Genres Horror
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Alive or Dead

Release Date 2007-01-01

Country USA

Genres Horror

Runtime 1h 22m

Sub Genres

Language English