Son of Sam

1h 20m

He sneaks up to men and women with his gun and shoots them. When he's arrested he tells the police that he had listened to the voice of Sam, his neighbor's dog, and that he was influenced by a satanic cult. Before his sentencing he requests a catholic priest to come to his cell to convert him from Judaism to becoming a devout Christian. The real name of the killer is David Berkowitz, who is currently serving life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Starring Yogi Joshi, Elissa Dowling, Jamie Bernadette, Cassandra Church, Betrand Pare, Dawna Chaet, Kent Cady, William Maniscalco, Carie Maniscalco, Mary Shaffo, Gunter Ziegler, Nola Roeper, Christian Behm
Genres Drama , Horror , Crime
Studios Lionsgate
Popular UPC


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Title Son of Sam

Release Date 2008-09-09

Country USA

Genres Drama, Horror, Crime

Runtime 1h 20m

Sub Genres Psychological Thriller

Language English