Dead Man on Campus

1h 34m

Josh is the studious type, Cooper's the nothing-succeeds-like-excess guy--a lifestyle that rubs off on Josh and soon has both in danger of flunking out. But there's a catch: a clause in the schools charter awards A's to students who suffer the trauma of a roommate's suicide. So Josh and Cooper set out to find a suicidal roomie who is, uh, Most Likely To Succeed.

Starring Tom Everett Scott, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Poppy Montgomery, Lochlyn Munro, Randy Pearlstein, Corey Page, Alyson Hannigan, Mari Morrow, Dave Ruby, Mark Carapezza, Jason Segel, Linda Cardellini, Aeryk Egan, Judyann Elder, Kathleen Luong,
Genres Comedy
Studios Paramount Pictures
Popular UPC


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Title Dead Man on Campus

Release Date 1998-08-21

Country USA

Genres Comedy

Runtime 1h 34m

Sub Genres Black Comedy

Language English